Ninth-grade students work together on an Algebra II assignment.

Building a Culture of Math Learning


Effective teaching of mathematics requires cultivating a culture of math learning within the classroom – this culture encourages students to take academic risks, to persevere when content becomes challenging, to utilize a myriad of mathematical tools and models to approach new problems, to share their own thinking, and to offer feedback on the thinking of others.

To cultivate this kind of culture, teachers must model through words and actions the importance of grappling with content to build a deep understanding; they must equip students with the content knowledge and problem solving tools to find multiple pathways to a given solution; and they must facilitate regular opportunities for students to engage in the practices of mathematics, including analyzing their own misconceptions and refining their approaches as part of the learning process.

Material Links

Cycle Components

Throughout this content cycle, teachers will explore instructional moves and connect them directly to the mathematical content and standards for mathematical practices within the KAS for Mathematics. For each grade band, you will find a set of resources linked below that include a Session Overview and the Session Materials.


Grades 6-8

Grades 9-12

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