2021: The Year of the Educator

Despite global uncertainty, real change is taking hold. We’ve seen our fair share of challenging times over a decade of service, but this year was unique. From school re-entry to teaching about racism, 2021 elevated public education as a top issue in the minds of the public. Facing this double-edged opportunity, teachers, families, and advocates … Continued

How Districts Can Expand Access to Literacy

How OUSD is using curricula and professional learning to deliver on community demands for change One clear lesson stands out from the global pandemic: too many students have long felt the impact of a society in need of change. As classroom walls dissolved overnight, the realities of teaching and learning were laid bare. In Oakland, … Continued

Chicago adopted the Skyline curriculum. Now what?

Curriculum requires aligned support to get real results We’re in the midst of what some call a “curriculum renaissance.” A growing number of school systems recognize that quality materials can expand access to challenging and engaging teaching by setting a common foundation for lessons, therefore closing gaps in opportunity. Curriculum writers are meeting this demand … Continued

What Comes Next for Teaching?

It’s Time to dream big. Great teachers unlock worlds of possibility. That’s why we have spent the past decade helping teachers and leaders build on their strengths and grow into the leading educators that every student deserves. This year, our mission enters a new chapter as passionate educators across the country show what’s possible. As … Continued

Bringing a Sharper Lens to Data Reviews: Part 2

Data reviews can serve multiple purposes and may be structured in a multitude of ways. To match the structure and format to the purpose, get clear about what you want to accomplish, how you want participants to show up, and how you plan to use the time. How to use your time When planning for … Continued

Bringing a Sharper Lens to Data Reviews: Part 1

Data reviews are an important part of the instructional planning process. They offer educators an opportunity to not only reflect but also put values into practice. Every student deserves teaching that prepares them for their next step and beyond, no matter who they are, where they come from, or how much money their family has. … Continued

Juneteenth and the Role of the Educator

Reflections on the newest Federal holiday Black communities have celebrated Juneteenth Day since 1866. This observance commemorates the end of legal slavery in the United States two and a half years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. To many, it serves as a time for reflection, celebrating achievement, and sharing in Black joy. Yesterday, … Continued

We Must Build in Community

What I Learned from Teaching in Rural Mississippi I started teaching twenty years ago in Greenville, Mississippi as a math teacher at T.L. Weston High School. I chose to teach in rural Mississippi because of its long history of resistance and organizing and also because of a critical shortage of certified math teachers. When I … Continued

9 minutes and 29 seconds

Remembering George Floyd 9 minutes and 29 seconds. This time marker will forever be etched into the heart of our nation. On May 25, 2020, as a nation under quarantine we rallied around calls for “togetherness.” And together, those 9 minutes and 29 seconds opened our eyes to the realities of racial injustice. The sharp … Continued

The Lessons of Brown v. Board Today

This year marks the 67th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision — an event that is about much more than history. For many students of color, educational opportunities are still separate and unequal. We cannot reach true equity with the scattershot solutions of decades past. We must pursue systemic actions. And more importantly, we must work … Continued

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