How can data support work toward instructional priorities?

Data-driven practice helps teachers make their best even better Change is constant in an environment as complex as a school system, and focus matters. But the question remains: How do you ensure that your practices are not just based on intuition but rooted in thoughtful sourcing of internal and external data for research for lasting … Continued

3 Factors That Make or Break Instructional Coaching

Demands on teachers are changing in real time as schools work to accelerate learning, close stubborn opportunity gaps, and meet the needs of an evolving world. To better leverage educators’ strengths and prepare all learners for the future, districts need to invest in their educators in ways that go beyond traditional one-size-fits-all professional development. That’s … Continued

Fostering Shared Ownership

How does investment in an instructional vision and instructional priorities affect impact? No single person can change a system on their own. That’s why shared ownership is crucial to bringing an instructional vision to life. Including teachers, administrators, and community members in implementing your strategy creates a shared reality where everyone has a vested interest … Continued

How a compelling vision supports deeper learning

Vision Matters A shared vision is paramount in moments of great change, ambiguity, and untapped potential. It allows leaders to clarify choices, weigh short and long-term benefits and constraints, and prioritize. Within school systems, a defined instructional vision is the north star for success and coherent improvement across schools. Defining an instructional vision provides a … Continued

Unpacking Conditions: The Infrastructure for Excellent Teaching & Learning

Our world is made up of ecosystems, both large and small, where certain factors must be in place for human systems and social structures to thrive. Consider a construction crew on a building site: specific technical conditions are needed for a construction crew to do their job well. Things like a project plan, sound blueprints, … Continued

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Launching a New Curriculum

Every day, students count on their teachers to nurture the knowledge and skills they’ll need for future success. One critical support in this endeavor is a high-quality curriculum. The benefits are clear: It offers a common foundation for lessons, so there’s no mystery about what students should be learning and what teachers should be teaching. … Continued

Los Angeles: Bridging Student and Teacher Learning In Math

Math allows us to make sense of our world. When students see the power and joy in mathematics—not just the steps—they can use math knowledge and problem-solving skills to build the lives they dream about. That’s why the Los Angeles Unified School District is taking on an ambitious three-year effort to give students in every … Continued

Building Momentum in Cincinnati Public Schools

Recapping Content-Based Summer Professional Development We all want today’s students to be ready to thrive in the future. That’s why Leading Educators is partnering with visionary school districts nationally to nurture excellent teaching across classrooms and to expand opportunity for more than 286,000 students this year. One of our newest partners is Cincinnati Public Schools … Continued

Chicago Public Schools: Connecting Challenging Lessons to Students’ Lives

Chicago Public Schools wants to ensure “every student in every school has access to a high-quality curriculum that engages their interest and celebrates their diversity.” For years, educators in Chicago used different materials or designed their own, creating unpredictability around what students would experience even in the same school. With the growing availability of high-quality … Continued

How Districts Can Use Curricula to Cultivate Excellence in Math

The future is changing rapidly, and it also promises students new opportunities not seen by past generations. Climate change, artificial intelligence, and the threat of future pandemics will create demand for deep knowledge in math and science. So are today’s students ready? The most recent report from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) revealed … Continued

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