Take 5: How Strategic Diagnostics Can Ignite System Success

Getting Beneath the Surface to Enable More Coherent and Sustainable Instructional Work Leading a school district or network through a complex change process isn’t easy, but it’s often necessary for enabling future system success. Dr. Mark Healy says: Leaders should consider where they are putting their time and focus. Are the decisions and implementation building … Continued

Instructional Leader Success Demands Multi-Layer Support

Today’s principals face increasing demands Over time, their job has expanded to include a growing list of administrative duties—budget management, compliance, staffing—that can overshadow their original purpose: to be the principal educator within their school. For school system leaders, setting up principals to balance operational and instructional leadership is critical to transforming school outcomes. So, … Continued

Promising Evidence of Impact from Teacher Professional Development

School districts nationwide invest 3-5 percent of their budgets each year in developing their educators. Yet, professional development programs often fail to improve teachers’ instructional practice or student achievement (Kraft et al., 2018). In the 2016-17 school year, U.S. spending on public elementary and secondary schools totaled $739 billion, or $14,439 per public school student … Continued

Make Professional Learning Time Matter

Disrupting the One-And-Done Teacher Professional Development Approach Much as been written about the flaws of traditional, one-size-fits-all professional teacher development. Every year, $18 billion is spent nationally on professional development programs that fail to substantially impact teacher performance or student outcomes. Thankfully, field knowledge about better alternatives is building. Effective, ongoing professional learning for educators … Continued

Are You Maximizing Your Instructional Resources?

How Coherence Can Maximize the Return on Your Instructional Investments What comes to mind when you hear the word “resources” in the school context? Perhaps facilities or basic supplies like pens, notebooks, and iPads? Maybe you’re thinking about money and equitable funding. There’s actually more to consider that has a direct effect on learning. In … Continued

How aligned roles and responsibilities can improve teaching

Go further faster together Too often, education is lonely work. Much has been written about how educators sometimes feel confined to their part of the “egg crate” in a school, struggling in silence behind closed doors to meet a growing range of student needs. When the rigorous work of preparing for teaching and learning is … Continued

How can data support work toward instructional priorities?

Data-driven practice helps teachers make their best even better Change is constant in an environment as complex as a school system, and focus matters. But the question remains: How do you ensure that your practices are not just based on intuition but rooted in thoughtful sourcing of internal and external data for research for lasting … Continued

3 Factors That Make or Break Instructional Coaching

Demands on teachers are changing in real time as schools work to accelerate learning, close stubborn opportunity gaps, and meet the needs of an evolving world. To better leverage educators’ strengths and prepare all learners for the future, districts need to invest in their educators in ways that go beyond traditional one-size-fits-all professional development. That’s … Continued

Fostering Shared Ownership

How does investment in an instructional vision and instructional priorities affect impact? No single person can change a system on their own. That’s why shared ownership is crucial to bringing an instructional vision to life. Including teachers, administrators, and community members in implementing your strategy creates a shared reality where everyone has a vested interest … Continued

How a compelling vision supports deeper learning

Vision Matters A shared vision is paramount in moments of great change, ambiguity, and untapped potential. It allows leaders to clarify choices, weigh short and long-term benefits and constraints, and prioritize. Within school systems, a defined instructional vision is the north star for success and coherent improvement across schools. Defining an instructional vision provides a … Continued

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