Chat with Instructional Specialist Michelle Morrow


Written by Adan Garcia

Chat with Instructional Specialist Michelle Morrow

Michelle Morrow is the instructional specialist at North Godwin Elementary School in Grand Rapids, MI, and part of the 2017 Leading Educators Grand Rapids cohort. She attended the Leading Educators Institute (LEI) with her team in June.

Michelle spoke with us about her biggest takeaways from the week of learning and her vision for school transformation this year.

Leading Educators: What are the most urgent student needs in your school building?

Michelle:  Amid the adoption of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) several years ago, we have experienced growing pains at North Godwin around aligning instructional approaches to the shifts. Given that we work with an at-risk population, the CCSS required us to significantly shift our instructional strategies in order to ensure that our students were mastering content and on track for college and career readiness.

This came with difficult transitions that we are still trying to work our way through today, particularly meeting new ideas and shifts in our teaching approaches with openness and a desire to learn. At a time when test scores can seem heavily weighted, we are finding it difficult to frame the opportunities that come from more rigorous teaching and learning for teachers and students. While this is a challenge, we have gradually seen our staff embrace personal development and dip their toes into the water. Our students are collaborating more than they ever have, and they are engaging in deep, meaningful dialogue with each other, which is incredibly exciting!

LE: What do opportunities do you see to build on these successes?

MM: Our school’s students need to be exposed to a curriculum and teaching practices that are directly aligned to the standards. I feel that the focused content learning at LEI opened my team’s eyes to how to make rigorous content accessible to our students. We have learned how to create a more equitable environment for our students.

LE: Looking specifically at teacher practice, how has your thinking or approach to professional learning for teachers shifted as a result of LEI?

MM: There is so much I am excited about! In particular, I think about finally using data to drive meaningful instructional shifts rather than getting stuck in our old pattern of looking at data, making adjustments, and never returning back to a connected plan to see if those changes actually had an impact on students.  I am excited about the laser focus of the Cycle of Professional Learning (CPL) structure and the way in which it connects professional learning aims.

Through the Leading Educators experience so far, I have learned that we have missed a large component of professional learning in the past that is needed to truly shift our practice and our thinking as adult learners.  Seeing ourselves as learners in this process is key to creating a significant impact for our students.

LE: How can we best provide support for the student and teacher goals your team is prioritizing? What do you hope to gain from being in the Leading Educators program?

MM: Leading Educators has already reignited passion for improving instructional practices among my team of teachers that attended LEI! The learning experience was intense, but we are excited to bring the CPL process to our entire staff and use it as a tool for school transformation.

My team chose to seek out Leading Educators in the hopes of sparking new thinking and deepening our understanding of current education trends. We all have a passion for the education field and, in particular, urban education. Through Leading Educators, we are looking for our thinking and approaches to be challenged so we can continue to grow and impact the students we teach.

LE: What would you like others to know about your experience at LEI?

MM: LEI was one of the most intense and rewarding professional opportunities in my career thus far. This work is not for the faint of heart! Through the LEI experience I have realized what an incredibly challenging and difficult line of work we are in, and it has inspired me to continue to dig in and challenge myself both in content knowledge and instructional practice.

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