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Thank you for your interest in the Equity in Literacy Fellowship. Applications are now open through July 15, 2023.
Apply to be an Equity in Literacy Fellow
Equity shows up in the details of teaching and learning. So, we must develop our lenses around rigorous academics, well-being, anti-racism, and culture. We can do that together.
The Equity in Literacy Fellowship from Leading Educators is a community of practice that supports teams of educators from grades 3-12 to harness their passion for educational opportunity, strengthen their practice, and create empowering learning spaces for all students.

The Fellowship Experience
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Teaching has the power to bring all students closer to the future they imagine for themselves. As our West Michigan community recovers from years of crisis, we’re determined to offer teams of Kent ISD educators best-in-class professional learning designed to further true opportunity and real results. Are you ready to take your practice to the next level?

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