Araceli Flores points at a chart of concepts, skills, and misconceptions

KDE Content Cycles

About the Resources

These content-based resources were designed in partnership with Leading Educators, an equity-focused professional learning partner to school systems across the country. Please note that these resources will be housed on the Kentucky Department of Education website in the near future.

What is a Content Cycle

The Model

Content cycles are a series of professional learning sessions organized around a single topic. They will be key resources for content leaders as they plan for collaborative time with their teams.

Diagram showing the four-step content cycle process

The Learning Cycle includes the following components to support shifts in instruction:

  • Shared Learning: Learning sessions where teachers learn new knowledge and skills aligned to the topic of the content cycle. This could look a variety of ways, including reading and discussing an article, studying a classroom video, or doing some group practice of a particular planning skill.
  • Planning & Practice: Opportunities for teachers to apply the content they are learning. This could include analyzing units/lessons, rehearsing lessons, watching and reflecting on videos of their classroom practice, etc.
  • Student Progress Monitoring: This is an opportunity for teachers to examine student progress aligned to the topic of the cycle. This can include formative student work analysis, end of unit assessments, culminating tasks, etc.


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What's Included

These sessions designed so that content leaders can focus their time and energy on internalizing and adapting sessions and reviewing teacher artifacts. Content leaders will receive comprehensive materials for leading content cycles, including weekly session plans with key messages and talking points, as well as slide decks, exemplars, and handouts.

While these resources are intended as a robust support, content leaders should feel free to make adjustments to session plans and materials based on the needs of their teams.


The Kentucky Department of Education partnered with Leading Educators beginning in the summer of 2019 for support around the rollout and implementation of the new Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS).

Partnership Overview
Kentucky Department of Education logo embedded on image of Kentucky landscape
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