
The 74 Million

Road Map for Reinventing Professional Development

The work DCPS is leading is known as LEAP (for Learning Together to Advance Our Practice), and it is part of a national movement to reinvent professional development so it is more embedded in the day-to-day work of educators, more directly applicable to instruction, and more impactful on student learning.

To improve what they do with students, teachers need to learn new concepts and strategies; try them out and get expert, helpful, ongoing feedback; and assess how the changes impact student learning, bringing the data back to plan for the next round of changes. Done successfully, the work is iterative. This means it is built into the workday and work week for teachers. They do this hard work in teams, sharing the load, building trust among one another, and building expertise in the processes of goal-setting, measurement, and continuous improvement.

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Teacher leaders getting advice from an LE facilitator at a workshop
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