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Chicago Feature

Building on Curriculum with PL

A recent article in The Learning Professional unpacks Chicago Public Schools’ decision to invest in curriculum-based professional learning to support roll-out of its new Skyline curriculum. Leading Educators is one of several partners that is designing differentiated supports for a subset of schools that will receive high-touch instructional capacity building.

New Curriculum Demands New Support

The introduction of Skyline marks the first time CPS has had a comprehensive curriculum that is accessible to all educators. Previously, schools and teachers were responsible for identifying and securing curriculum on their own, which led to inequities throughout the district that are now being addressed.

Using structures described in more detail in The Elements, Leading Educators will support a cohort of schools this year with professional learning design, instructional coaching and observation, and planning.

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Leading EducatorsLeading Educators
"No matter how well-designed, the curriculum will not benefit students unless teachers have confidence and skill in using it."
Hirsch & Ben-Isvy
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