Science Learning
3 Dimensions of Phenomena-Based Science
What do you look for in a real-world, student-centered science classroom?
Like you, we believe that science education should give all students the tools to explore, understand, and shape the world around them. One key lever is access to “phenomena-based instruction.” So, what is it?
🔬Phenomena-based science instruction centers around real-world events or observations that spark curiosity and inquiry. Instead of starting with abstract concepts or textbook definitions, students begin with a phenomenon—something they can observe, question, and investigate.
“Unpacking 3-D Phenomena-Based Science” explores three dimensions of phenomena-based instruction, helping you know what to look for and how to work toward these elements in practice. Whether you’re a seasoned educator or just starting out, you’ll gain practical strategies to make science more engaging, relevant, and impactful.
What You’ll Learn
- Reflect on how workforce and societal changes require educators to make key shifts in the science classroom
- Learn to recognize key principles of phenomena-based instruction in practice
- Identify your next steps for implementing these practices.
As you watch, think about your own science story and ask yourself if your classes approached science in a phenomena-based way.
Want more support? Join the Next Generation Science Educators Network
Apply to join our Next Generation Science Educators Network, launching in November 2024! 🌎 We are offering FREE ongoing professional development opportunities for up to 30 science leads, school leaders, and school system leaders in a national community of practice. Hone your vision of effective science instruction in practice and develop the skills necessary to help others achieve it.