students doing a science experiment

Science Support

Science gives us tools to understand the world around us and make it better. That's why we partner with school teams and school systems to strengthen real-world, NGSS-aligned science practices that help all learners excel.

Build the future of science!

Science is the key to unlocking new futures. Emerging global challenges like climate change, crumbling infrastructure, disease prevention, and public health will require generations of scientists from all backgrounds who can find solutions that work for everyone. Science education lays the groundwork for realizing that future, and we want to do our part.

That’s why Leading Educators is offering new partnership opportunities focused on nurturing excellent science instruction aligned to NGSS, beginning with the Next Generation Science Educators Network.

The Need

The growing demand for a science and STEM-focused workforce requires today’s students to have more than a fundamental understanding of science.

Today, only 61% of high-poverty high schools offer physics (a proxy for more advanced courses), compared to 92% of low-poverty schools.

Read: What Students Need from Science
student and teacher in science class

Get Best-in-Class Science Professional Learning

openscied badgeTeaching and learning that is NGSS-aligned requires science educators to make a significant pedagogical shift. They require and expect professional development that surpasses basic introductions to curriculum materials and resources.

Likewise, school leaders and coaches need greater support for honing their lens of what excellent science looks like in practice so they can provide guidance and resources that make a difference.

Our Solution

  • For school systems and networks of schools, we offer consultative instructional support aligned to NGSS.
  • For school teams, the Next Generation Science Educators Network will provide free, yearlong professional learning for up to 30 science educators and leaders to work toward nurturing high-quality, student-led science experiences.

We’ll help you hone your vision of effective science instruction in practice and develop the skills necessary to help others achieve it. Leading Educators is proud to be an OpenSciEd Certified Professional Learning Provider.

What Makes Our Support Stick

Practice makes possible. Our science support centers hands-on and student-led science standards so educators can build content knowledge and instructional practices through application.

  • Our content makes connections between the four components of STEM education and real-world problem-solving, student-led and project-based learning.
  • We’ll concentrate on specific issues of science content and pedagogy that are derived from research and exemplary practice.
  • Participants will actively observe, analyze, and apply feedback to teaching practices to support continuous improvement and foster ongoing collaboration among science, math, and technology teachers.
Get Support
Want Systemic Support? We Can Help.

No matter where you’re starting, we can help your district or state become a dynamic learning system where all students and adults are set up to achieve greatly in science and STEM, together.

We draw from our expertise as career educators, our proximity to leading researchers, and our practical experience as coaches and designers to help educators practice what they teach and plan for the future.

Systems/Strategic Advising

We advise state and local system-level leaders on developing and implementing a vision for science that addresses NGSS-aligned curriculum implementation, data systems to drive effective continuous improvement, and high-quality professional learning that strengthens teacher practice and impact.

Build a strong plan and bring it to life with our help.

Professional Learning Design

We support you in designing and facilitating high-quality professional learning for district and school administrators, literacy coaches, and teachers in various formats. These can include regional or network convenings, asynchronous modules, train-the-trainer workshops, and school-based learning cycles.

Cultivate strong practice with knowledge-rich, practical professional learning.

Coaching & Capacity Building

We support you in strengthening your implementation drivers through
science leadership training, observation and feedback, data stepbacks, and capacity building around creating and sustaining high-quality professional learning on your own.

We can help you build on the strengths of your team.

Watch a Free Webinar

Want a taste of what you can expect from the learning? “Unpacking 3-D Phenomena-Based Science” explores three dimensions of phenomena-based instruction, helping you know what to look for and how to work toward these elements in practice.

Watch Now
students studying plants

Start the Journey to Life-Changing Results.

Let us know how we can help.

Meet the Team

Led by Solona Hollis, an accomplished scientist and science educator of more than 20 years, our team brings decades of experience in school system transformation, school leadership, professional learning design and facilitation, high-impact coaching, and capacity building.

Katie Murphy

Managing Director of Readiness
Katie is an academic strategist and problem solver who is deeply committed to supporting educators at all levels translate their aspirations for students to all students.
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Solona Hollis

Solona Hollis

Senior Director of Science Strategy
Solona is a former chemist and science educator of more than 20 years who is determined to ensure that all students see themselves as life-long learners of science.
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amanda drenth

Amanda Drenth

Director of Science Strategy
Amanda Drenth designs curriculum-based professional learning and supports direct curriculum implementation as a Director of Science Strategy.
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Daniele Coplin

Associate Director of Networks, Readiness
Daniele E. Coplin is an operations leader who believes that data driven instruction and operations is the backbone to a strong academic program.
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candice johnson

Candice Johnson

Associate Director of Networks
Candice leads operations, event logistics, client management, and data evaluation for the Midwest region.
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Katie Murphy

Solona Hollis

Solona Hollis

amanda drenth

Amanda Drenth

Daniele Coplin

candice johnson

Candice Johnson

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