Andrea Fitzgerald

Instructional Leadership Coach, Math

About Andrea "Fitz" Fitzgerald

Andrea "Fitz" Fitzgerald is an Instructional Leadership Coach for math in Charleston. She has been in education for 13 years and most recently served as the math lead with Instruction Partners where she worked with Memphis charter schools and networks. Fitz is also the author of the "Rookie's Playbook: A New Teacher's Practical Playbook to Thriving in the First Year's of Teaching". Prior to doing both ventures, she was a high school math advisor and math teacher at Shelby County Schools.

Fitz worked in the NBA for several years and entered the educational field thinking that it would just be "teaching math" but quickly learned that this work is truly about seeing students believe in themselves. Fitz earned a B.S. in Computer Information Systems from Carson-Newman College, a M.S. in Sports Management from Slippery Rock, and a M.A. from Cambridge College.
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