Araceli Flores

Araceli Flores

Director of Content Development and Coaching

Araceli Flores

About Araceli Flores

Araceli Flores leads design of math professional learning for our innovation portfolio.

Previously with Leading Educators, Araceli supported design and facilitation for a series of statewide content-based learning sessions in Kentucky, also leading design of custom content cycles and providing coaching to district leaders. In support of Baltimore City Public Schools, she has designed Eureka Math-based content cycles, led internalization sessions with content leaders, and worked side-by-side with district staff to co-construct future professional learning.

Araceli taught elementary and middle school math in Washington, DC where she also served as the Deputy Director of Math Instruction for Friendship Public Charter Schools, as well as the Deputy Chief of Math Professional Development for DC Public Schools. Araceli loves applying ratios and proportional reasoning to her two main hobbies - baking and home improvement projects.
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