Kristina Rubio

Program Manager

About Kristina Rubio

Kristina Rubio is passionate about creating spaces of belonging for students on every academic campus and serving the greater good in her communities. Blending her passion for education and connecting members of the community, she is responsible for programming, logistics, and data management for the Leading Educators team in Los Angeles and Cincinnati.

Previously, Kristina served the San Gabriel Valley of Los Angeles on behalf of the American Cancer Society via Relay for Life events where she empowered volunteers to engage with their communities to continue the fight against cancer. Additionally, she led the planning and execution of special events for the Stamp Student Union at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Kristina holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Tennessee and a Masters of Education in College Student Personnel Administration from James Madison University. She currently resides in Los Angeles where she can typically be found working on her yoga practice, trying to find the best breakfast burrito around, and planning which part of the world to explore next.
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