Rebecca Taylor-Perryman
Managing Director of Data & Evaluation

About Rebecca Taylor-Perryman
Rebecca believes school systems deserve access to strong evidence and useful data about what will serve their students and communities, and that those most impacted by initiatives to improve teaching and learning should play an active role in research about their impact. She leads the design of the overall evaluation strategy, collaboration with external researchers, and qualitative and text analysis for impact studies.
Over the past nine years, Rebecca has worked to increase the rigor and usefulness of data at Leading Educators, by building internal capacity to complete regular research studies using quasi-experimental methods, engaging students, teachers. and leaders in action research and qualitative research designs, and leading the team to develop and implement tools for measurement and data storytelling.
Rebecca holds an M.A. in Anthropology from Tulane University and a B.A. in Anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley.
Over the past nine years, Rebecca has worked to increase the rigor and usefulness of data at Leading Educators, by building internal capacity to complete regular research studies using quasi-experimental methods, engaging students, teachers. and leaders in action research and qualitative research designs, and leading the team to develop and implement tools for measurement and data storytelling.
Rebecca holds an M.A. in Anthropology from Tulane University and a B.A. in Anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley.