Do More, Do Better, Do New

Value Add of Technology on Teaching (VATT)

Despite unmatched levels of edtech use and the growing investment in the development of new tools, there is much more to understand about maximizing the impact of technology on teacher practice and student learning.

That’s why we developed the VATT Framework, a reflection and planning guide to help you evaluate the value an edtech tool or platform provides in various areas of practice. 

The Need

While technology use in classrooms has been prevalent for decades, recent events like a global pandemic have fueled investment and adoption in edtech to unprecedented levels. Educators have had to suddenly rethink the boundaries of the traditional classroom and lean on technology in brand-new ways.  

School systems invested heavily in technology, including but not limited to personal devices, 1:1 initiatives, remote and asynchronous learning platforms, and more. Now is the time to think critically about how they integrate with and enhance instruction.

8000+ verified tools

in the edtech marketplace

1,400+ tools per month

used by school systems

140+ individual tools per year

used by teachers and students

About the Framework

Technology Value Adds

The VATT highlights three Technology Value Adds, representing research-backed ways technology can positively impact teacher practice. The Technology Value Adds are distinct, interrelated, and contextual based on school and classroom conditions, contexts, and educators themselves.

  1. Do More: Increase access to necessary instructional and skill-building resources as well as time-saving practices
  2. Do Better: Strengthen impact on student thinking and engagement, quality of instructional strategies, and responsiveness to individual needs
  3. Do New: Push the boundaries of the status quo and invite creativity and innovation into practice

Areas of Impact

The rubric is divided into three Areas of Impact that reflect the primary responsibilities of educators across various contexts, including but not limited to content area, grade level, and geography.

The Areas of Impact are: 


  • Teaching & Learning
  • Classroom Community & Culture
  • Practice & Growth

The Areas of Impact align with common instructional and teacher evaluation frameworks as well as broad categories of education technology products and/or tech use cases within the marketplace.


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We Want to Hear from You!

What do you find helpful about the VATT Framework and the VATT Reflection Tool? What else would help you determine when to adopt, adapt, or abandon a technology-enhanced practice?

Shape future iterations and VATT-related supports by sharing your feedback below.

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