By States, for States
Recognizing the power of teacher leadership to improve student outcomes, Leading Educators assembled a national team of advocates, through a series of convenings, to scaffold supports for state departments of education to design teacher leadership programming.
With the passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), states now have greater flexibility and opportunity to advance the conditions that support successful implementation of teacher leadership. Though most teacher leadership activities occur at the local level, states can be powerful partners to districts and schools by creating enabling conditions for teacher leadership to thrive, providing guidance and support, or catalyzing implementation.
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The toolkit was designed for states, though it should be of interest and use to other stakeholders, including district educators.
State teams driving teacher leadership efforts for the first time can use the toolkit to study other states’ approaches, identify strategies that may work for them, and explore resources that support implementation. States already heavily invested in teacher leadership can use the toolkit to take stock of work to date and refine existing or advance new opportunities. District leaders, principals, and teachers who are beginning to implement teacher leadership strategies will find helpful resources as well.