cincinnati skyline

Cincinnati Public Schools

Bolstering Teaching


Cincinnati Public Schools is partnering with Leading Educators to improve students’ access to challenging and affirming instruction through best-in-class, ongoing professional development for more than 2155 educators. 

About the Partnership

Cincinnati Public School (CPS) is dedicated to educating more than 36,000 students with unwavering rigor and care, fostering a culture of excellence. CPS’s vision extends beyond the classroom – intending to develop engaged citizens who are prepared for life, ready to lead in their communities and influence the world.

By creating meaningful learning experiences and fostering student-centered decision-making, we’re helping prepare students for academic success and leadership roles in their communities and on the global stage.”

However, CPS recognizes several challenges in that path. The Ohio School Report Card identifies persistent opportunity gaps similar to those faced by many communities nationwide.

Ohio Schools report card highlighting some persistence opportunity gaps in Cincinnati Public Schools

The Solution

Amid pandemic recovery, CPS and Leading Educators are partnering to provide ongoing professional learning for CPS teachers to deepen their content knowledge in math and ELA.

Cincinnati Public Schools theory of action on how to accelerate ELA and math learning


Until now, CPS has led teacher professional development internally and sees the need for external, research-backed capacity building so the district can continue to offer high-quality professional learning in the future without the help of an outside partner.

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What We’re Doing
Ongoing Professional Learning Design

Leading Educators is co-designing and delivering five days of in-depth professional learning in math and ELA for 2155 teachers throughout the year. It focuses on the math and ELA standards, instructional shifts, and aligned research-based classroom practices.

Strategic Advising

We are designing and delivering ten three-hour learning experiences for Curriculum and Instruction leaders (C&I team) to build their capacity to accelerate instructional improvement, engage school leaders, and support progress at schools.

Leading Educators also provides nine three-hour learning experiences for C&I leaders focused on supporting and developing coaching to ensure that learning from PD days transfers into practice in classrooms across the district.


We are coaching “early adopter” teachers at 31 schools who will engage in mini-cycles of coaching up to six times a year. These touchpoints offer extended learning from district-wide PL sessions with planning and rehearsing of a lesson. Later, they encompass lesson observation, coaching, and debriefing at the school site.

Partnership By The Numbers

At a systemic scale, we’re helping educators strengthen teaching and learning across Cincinnati Public Schools.

Overhead view of teachers sitting around a round table

2155 teachers

participating in math and ELA professional learning focused on standards, instructional shifts, and research-based classroom practices.

Three raised hands

36,000 students

supported to reach their full potential with grade-appropriate lessons connected to the real world.

Heart outline with tools in the center

27 hours

of content-specific professional learning available to teachers throughout the year.

satisfaction icon

100% of teachers

said that their coach helps them identify clear, measurable, and student-focused next steps to work on at mid-year.

Leading EducatorsLeading Educators
"Each core content will have access to high-quality, culturally-relevant materials for all tiers of instruction. Every classroom-facing educator supporting those contents will have ongoing and differentiated learning opportunities to effectively use those instructional materials.

CPS will foster systems that support educators to support one another through collaboration and feedback to strengthen implementation fidelity."
Cincinnati Public School Strategic Plan

Meet The Team

Our team of experienced classroom educators, former school and system leaders, content and coaching experts, and fearless advocates work shoulder-to-shoulder with CPS educators to go further faster.
ana luis headshot

Ana Luis

Director of Content, Math
Ana Luis leads math professional learning design for our partnership in Cincinnati, OH.
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Chae headshot

Chae D’Ann Ray

Director of Content and Coaching, ELA
Chae D’Ann Ray is a Director of Content and Coaching for Secondary Literacy with the Omaha partnership and is passionate about literacy, curriculum, and supporting teachers in providing excellent in...
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Kristina Rubio

Program Manager
Kristina support programming, logistics, and data management for the Leading Educators team in Los Angeles and Cincinnati.
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ana luis headshot

Ana Luis

Chae headshot

Chae D’Ann Ray

Kristina Rubio

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Cincinnati Public Schools is just one of a dozen partnerships across the country that are pushing the boundaries of what schools can offer students. Learn more about how we customize our supports to meet the needs and strengths of visionary districts.

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