Take 5: How Strategic Diagnostics Can Ignite System Success

Getting Beneath the Surface to Enable More Coherent and Sustainable Instructional Work Leading a school district or network through a complex change process isn’t easy, but it’s often necessary for enabling future system success. Dr. Mark Healy says: Leaders should consider where they are putting their time and focus. Are the decisions and implementation building … Continued

AI-Powered Teaching: Voices from the School Teams AI Collaborative

Examples of AI-Powered Teaching in Practice As educators work to meet an evolving set of student needs and hopes, AI-powered teaching offers schools a unique opportunity to improve upon traditional teaching and learning models. However, for educators to harness new classroom practices, they need access to tangible, actionable examples of how AI can support their … Continued

Teachers in the Driver’s Seat With the School Teams AI Collaborative

The rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is generating powerful new applications permeating countless sectors and industries. Yet, while AI has massive potential to impact education, translating AI’s promise into instructional practices remains an ambiguous, complex challenge. To address this, Leading Educators and The Learning Accelerator have launched the School Teams AI Collaborative, bringing together educators from across … Continued

What Do Students Need from Science Instruction?

Unpacking Phenomena-Based Science as a Lever for Real-World Readiness Think of the last science experience you taught or observed in a school—what stands out?   At its best, science education gives students from all backgrounds the tools to explore, understand, and shape the world around them. It balances engagement—like hands-on experimentation—with skill-building that is transferable to … Continued

Instructional Leader Success Demands Multi-Layer Support

Today’s principals face increasing demands Over time, their job has expanded to include a growing list of administrative duties—budget management, compliance, staffing—that can overshadow their original purpose: to be the principal educator within their school. For school system leaders, setting up principals to balance operational and instructional leadership is critical to transforming school outcomes. So, … Continued

Coaching isn’t about fixing what’s broken

The Power of A Coaching Cycle We’ve all been there: the first day on the job, brimming with confidence, convinced we know what we are doing and that we have everything to offer. Or rather, the professional world has set an expectation for feeling that way. In education, this illusion of instant expertise is particularly … Continued

Promising Evidence of Impact from Teacher Professional Development

School districts nationwide invest 3-5 percent of their budgets each year in developing their educators. Yet, professional development programs often fail to improve teachers’ instructional practice or student achievement (Kraft et al., 2018). In the 2016-17 school year, U.S. spending on public elementary and secondary schools totaled $739 billion, or $14,439 per public school student … Continued

Empowering Every Student to Discover a Future in Science

Why Leading Educators is Expanding Into Science Science is the key to unlocking new futures. Emerging global challenges like climate change, crumbling infrastructure, disease prevention, and public health will require generations of scientists from all backgrounds who can prioritize the needs of people at the margins and find equitable solutions. Science education lays the groundwork … Continued

Taking a Holistic View of Student Success in Kenowa Hills

A Conversation with Brooke Davis, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Mental Health Preparing our students for a rapidly changing world demands we take a holistic view of student success when making choices. Defining and bringing that vision to life is sustained and collaborative work that Brooke Davis knows firsthand. As the director of diversity, equity, … Continued

How Detroit is Building the Infrastructure and Habits to ‘Rise Up’

Leenet Campbell-Williams on Detroit’s Education Transformation In recent years, the Detroit Public Schools Community District has witnessed a remarkable rebirth. Leenet Campbell-Williams, the Chief Academic Officer for DPSCD, says the district’s plan for transformation has breathed new life into a city often overshadowed by challenges: The work that we’re doing right now, to be a … Continued

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