high school students talking in class

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You Can Shape the Future.

We know you agree: Every young person deserves a fair chance to build the life they want. No matter who they are, where they come from, or how much money their family has, their education should prepare them for their next step and beyond.

The future is changing rapidly, and it also promises students new opportunities not seen by past generations. If educators can help all students develop the knowledge, sense of self, care for others, and confidence to solve complex challenges, they can access opportunity and create a better world. By supporting Leading Educators, you can help school systems deliver on that promise.

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Students dream big dreams, and they expect a lot for themselves. However, the status quo is holding them back from what’s possible.

Instead, when we nurture school environments where students and teachers learn continuously together, great things happen. When teachers learn, students learn. Your gift ensures schools have the support systems to ignite every student’s innate potential. 

Please click the link to process your donation through Network for Good.

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Understanding the Need

Today, school system leaders face staggering obstacles and competing priorities caused by historical inequity, a changing world, and the recent shocks of a global pandemic. Teachers face urgency to accelerate and reimagine learning, but too few have sufficient support. Too many students at the margins are not ready for their next step because they haven’t yet had a fair opportunity to learn.

All of this has pushed schools to their limits. Structural changes to how districts cultivate excellent teaching can’t wait, but they can’t do it all on their own. Now is the time to help school systems build instructional infrastructure that lasts and that equips them to get real results far into the future.

Students are behind academically. Gaps are wide.

Average reading and math scores on the long-term trend national assessment of education progress (NAEP) saw the largest drops since 1990 in reading and the first-ever drops in math.

Despite these trends, Leading Educators helped partners reverse existing declines and accelerate learning over the same period by going deep on what works.

Systems need to upskill their educators.

Most teacher professional development is rigid, one-size-fits all, not connected to a specific curriculum, and doesn’t facilitate development of stronger instructional practices.

This results in inequitable access to grade-appropriate, engaging instruction that is likely to prepare students for future learning and the world of work. Leading Educators is an industry leader at helping teachers practice what they teach and improve student experiences in real time.

Resource constraints are looming.

Districts at large are expecting to face budget challenges in upcoming school years with declining enrollment and increasing costs. Too few are currently spending on recovery solutions that change their core operations and build upon established evidence of impact.

Leading Educators offers coherent, systemic support that builds lasting capacity, leadership, and the strategy to achieve bold goals.

We Get Real Results.

Proven Solutions Matter. 

Five rigorous studies conclude that Leading Educators’ systemic approaches to instructional improvement accelerate learning.

The large majority of education interventions don’t work. But multiple rigorous studies with independent researchers conclude that our approach improves students’ literacy and math learning, student experience, and teacher retention at higher rates than similar interventions.

Better yet, those results endure years after partnering. One randomized control trial found that Leading Educators’ support elevated an average teacher to the top third of effectiveness. Teachers reach new professional heights, and more students thrive.

By helping us build on strengths and bolstering the conditions for educators to succeed, you can ensure that transformational leadership, practices, and results endure without us.

The LE Difference is Clear

We make teachers’ jobs more sustainable and effective, keeping our best educators in front of students who need the most support while elevating the vital role teachers play each day.

Often for the first time in their careers, teachers gain:

difference diagram

Improving instruction becomes intentional and the work of a team, not an act of heroism of driven and resourceful individuals.

Explore Our Impact
Leading EducatorsLeading Educators
"Nonprofits funded by Overdeck Family Foundation, such as Leading Educators...,have made evidence building and continuous improvement a priority over the past several years, conducting rigorous evaluations to ensure the product they offer districts improve student outcomes and are affordable...But as rapid-relief dollars expire, the pressure on programs that lack evidence of student impact will grow. This may be just the impetus the education sector needs to prioritize evidence, improving the chances that all students receive the best possible education going forward, regardless of budgetary constraints."
Anu Malipatil, vice president of the Overdeck Family Foundation
How We Realize Our Mission

We’re a diverse network of experienced educators, leaders, designers, strategists, researchers, and advocates working to realize the fair and just education system we’ve never had.

Your contribution toward our mission makes it possible for Leading Educators to help more school systems stay on the cutting edge of sustainable change for students. Our supporters also fuel research around future advances in teaching and learning.

Give By Mail

You may also send your tax-deductible gift via regular mail to the address below. Please make checks payable to Leading Educators, Inc.

Leading Educators
Attn: Development
P.O. Box 738151
Dallas, TX 75373- 8151

Hands on top of each other
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