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Philanthropy News Digest

Overdeck Family Foundation announces over $9 million in Q4 grants

November 23, 2023 | Philanthropy News Digest

The Overdeck Family Foundation in New York City has announced 20 fourth-quarter grants totaling more than $9 million.

The foundation awarded four new grants and nine renewal grants, as well as five disbursements for ongoing pledges and two grants for additional supports to boost cost-effective programs with the potential to accelerate improvement in key academic and socioemotional outcomes for all children. Recipients include Illuminate Literacy, a new supplemental literacy program focused on comprehensive and research-based digital reading products, which received a one-year pilot grant of $200,000, and Teaching Lab, an organization that leverages technology to provide research-based professional learning aligned with high-quality instructional materials, which was awarded $1.7 million for the third year of a three-year grant as well as a $500,000 supplement for its partnership with NYC Reads.

Additional grants include $4 million over three years to Opportunity Insights, a research and policy institute focused on improving economic opportunity; $1.6 million to Robin Hood Learning + Technology Fund in support of efforts to scale between three and five evidence-based, tech-enabled models to 19 million students by 2025; and $1.1 million to Leading Educators, which includes year three of a three-year grant as well as a $400,000 supplement in support of its new partnership with NYC Reads.

For a complete list of recipients, see the Overdeck Family Foundation website.

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